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Gail's Bagpipe Win: Memorizing Tunes!

I wanted to play pipes when I was in 5th grade and I was to choose an instrument.

Well, they wouldn't let me, and looking back it probably wouldn't have been very practical. :(

I settled on first flute, which I hated, then clarinet which I stuck with through middle school and early HS.

Learning the pipes never really left my mind all the way as an adult but I put it aside. I learned other instruments over the years, with varying degrees of success.

In the early winter of 2019, we moved from Dallas TX to a small town in Indiana and bought our house. We live on a corner lot and have a good deal of privacy. I didn't even think about it for months!

And then one day, about a month before my birthday of this year (March 28th) I thought what the heck am I waiting for? I looked into it and found out you started on a chanter and did more research and bought the green book as well as my RGH twist trap.

I then picked up a mobile tutor when I got worried I was making mistakes and developing bad habits. Now I am playing pipes and having fun! I'm not very good yet, but having fun. 

Let me introduce you to my new bagpipes! WOOT.

As for the Get Bagpipe Ready Workshops? I'd say go for it!!!

I did the Highland Cathedral workshop because at the time, for my skill level, it was rather intimidating for me.

It helped me a lot! I realize it isn't too bad and having it broken down into smaller sections made it much more manageable.

I have issues memorizing tunes, like most people. I also did Scotland the brave because I wanted to learn it quicker. You can watch the vids at your own pace and not do on until you have it right. 

What are you waiting for? Go for it!!


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