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First 5 Lessons FREE! https://bit.ly/Learn-the-wearing-of-the-green The Wearing of the Green on the bagpipes!
This year I was asked to play The Wearing of the Green for a St. Patrick's Day piping gig. The past couple years I haven't come across a bagpipe arrangement for this tune that was to my liking. Oh well, I just decided to write my own version! I had a lot of fun writing some bagpipe sheet music for this great Irish tune. I've used a 2/4 time signature, without any dotting and cutting of the eighth notes to help intermediate and beginner bagpipers (and to help myself too!).
I hope you enjoy Getting The Wearing of the Green Bagpipe Ready as much as I did!
Happy piping :)
I hope you enjoy this tune as much as I do!
Sign up to get my FREE sheet music!
Happy piping :)
Alec Chisholm
Here, I'll play for you this great group of tunes. ALL the digitized sheet music is included in Module 3. And yes, it's FREE to sign up!