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Let's Get Bagpipe Ready!

Hi! I'm Alec Chisholm, and when I learned the bagpipes at 9 years of age I always hated doing those boring chanter exercises with all their mundane repetition.  

AAAARRRRGGG!!! 😫 I just wanted to learn some tunes!

Now I help beginner bagpipers using my FUN, quick results method based on teaching proper bagpipe technique WHILE learning tunes. Having fun builds motivation and consistent practice which makes you a better piper! 😁

You can check out my FREE Tune Workshop Lesson Library, and if you can't wait to start learning more bagpipe tunes, get unlimited access to ALL my Tune Workshops with my Monthly Membership.

Get $10 off your first month with code: BAGPIPE10, and know that 10% of profits from the Get Bagpipe Ready Membership go to Peace Thru Music International. "transform the lives of war impacted children... through locally-run, youth-led music education programs."

I also offer a wide variety of workshops, so if you want to learn traditional tunes, Irish songs, nontraditional tunes, or Christmas tunes, I've got some great options for ya! Go to my Get Bagpipe Ready Tune Workshop Library to check out all the tunes you can start learning. I hope your favorite tune's already there! πŸ˜‰

Curious what kind of results other pipers are getting from my Monthly Membership?
πŸ‘‰Click HERE to see some of my testimonials from other beginner bagpipers.

"Learning with Get Bagpipe Ready has been a pure joy! I truly appreciate Alec and his teaching methods. I've tried other online learning platforms but I found I wasn't learning tunes quick enough. I just wanted to learn to play tunes, not compete, be judged or even be perfect. I'm in my 50s and I've always wanted to learn the pipes. Alec presents the easiest way to learn and I am truly thankful for Get Bagpipe Ready!"
Eric, Bagpiper

Available Workshops

Get Bagpipe Ready Monthly Membership

For beginner and intermediate bagpipers who want to pipe consistently AND have fun learning new tunes on the practice chanter.  

Access all my tune workshops, PLUS get a new tune every month!
Get $10 off your first month with the coupon:

FREE Workshop Lesson Library

FREE Lessons and sheet music from ALL the many Get Bagpipe Ready Tune Workshops in one spot!

With over 30 different Tune Workshops (plus a new workshop each month) Get Bagpipe Ready is growing like a bad weed! haha!

As exciting as it is to have more tunes at your fingertips,  it can be a wee bit tiring hopping from one workout to another...

The solution? Get access to ALL my free Tune workshop lessons in one place by clicking below!

Beginner Bagpiping 101

Learn the scale, simple embellishments, helpful techniques, Amazing Grace, AND 7 additional easy tunes. The first 3 Lessons are Free!

My Workshops Available Workshops

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